百运达国际货运代理(上海)有限公司是全美规模最大的私人拥有货运代理企业- BDP INTERNATIONAL 在上海成立的全资物流企业。这既是BDP INTERNATIONAL对其全球服务网络的延伸和发展,也是对中国货运市场的重视和肯定。BDP过去十年在中国的成长经历使我们能紧跟市场步伐,清楚了解中国客户的真正需求并帮助他们完全实现。BDP同七十多个全资拥有的分点及遍布全世界的合作伙伴,为每一位客户的货物运输提供了全面、可靠的物流解决方案,其中为世界顶尖的化学品公司所提供的专业服务更是有目共睹。
BDP was found in 1966. With a Global Network of wholly-owned operations, joint ventures and affiliates in more than 140 countries, including more than 20 offices across the US, we deliver on our promise to provide customized global transportation and logistics services. We will strengthen our market leadership position by leveraging our technology and quality of our staff to become the premier provider of global logistics and transportation solutions.